Lois Signs Onto Christian Science Monitor Garden Blogging Team

My first post for Diggin' It, The Christian Science Monitor's garden blog, appeared at the beginning of February 2011, when I joined Judy Lowe's team of garden writers to share my knowledge about gardening in the stony clay of northwestern New Jersey and my thoughts about gardening from the inside out.

It's been both challenging and fun to come up with topics during the dead of winter, when nothing much was happening in the garden beyond the slow crawl of our mini-glacier. There isn't any duplication of material between the blogs, so I invite Garden Views' readers to follow me on CSM, too. All of my Diggin' It posts are archived at http://bit.ly/hH2r8z .

Despite its name, The Christian Science Monitor is not religious in nature, but rather a respected international newspaper that has won seven Pulitzer Prizes for national and international reporting. It was the first national daily newspaper to go Internet-only.

Happy Easter!

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