Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder Idea

A bird feeder that is really squirrel-proof is something you have to see to believe, especially if you've been disappointed by baffles and other squirrel-proofing ideas that just don't work. And that's exactly what happened to us. We spend every Thanksgiving with my life-long friend who lives in Virginia. The prior year she had received a Duncraft squirrel-proof bird feeder as a Christmas gift, and we watched in amazement as scores of birds flocked to it to feed undisturbed by squirrels.

That same Christmas, in 2009, we got our own Duncraft Squirrel Proof Selective feeder, so we're entering our second winter with it and I can't say enough positive things about it. When we first put it out, the squirrels were all over it, sitting on the top, swinging from the wire cage, jumping onto it sideways from nearby tree branches, etc. We have some pretty determined squirrels here and they were used to getting what they wanted. But eventually, they gave up.

On any given day, we have between three and five of the fuzzy visitors, but now they are content to sit on the ground and eat whatever the birds drop. The feeder holds 1.5 pounds of seed, which lasts us about two days. The feeder tube and perches are mounted inside a wire cage, which also deters Jays and other large birds, although I've seen one Ladder-Back Woodpecker manage to extract sunflower seeds from it with his very long beak.

The tube is filled through a cap that's held in place by two locks that keep prying paws from opening it. A wide metal roof surrounds the tube and overhangs the cage, keeping the seed and birds dry, in addition to foiling the squirrels. Shells and discarded seeds fall through the wire grid bottom.

For more details, click here.

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