Gardeners, Landscape, & Nursery Professionals: Land Ethics Symposium Set for Feb. 18, 2010

Gardeners and garden-related professionals, environmental consultants, and government officials won’t want to miss the 10th Annual Land Ethics Symposium, sponsored by Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve (New Hope, PA). This year, the symposium focuses on ways to create economical and ecologically balanced landscapes using native plants and restoration techniques.

In years past, the Land Ethics Symposium has hosted such inspirational speakers as sustainable living gurus Marcus de la Fleur and John Peter Thompson , Puget Sound ecological expert and poet Grant Jones , and Morris Arboretum master arborist Jason Lubar .

There’s always at least one speaker who sweeps you back in time and reminds you in a very visceral sense of why you chose a vocation or avocation that connects you to the natural world.

Last day for registration is February 8, 2010. For more information, contact Bowman’s Hill at .

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