Everything's Coming Up Roses – 5
This year I received three field-trial roses: The previously-described Pink Home Run™, Dick Clark, and Candy Oh ™ . I'm guessing at the Weeks floribunda Dick Clark, since it arrived with only its trial number. The description of its cherry picotee blushing to burgundy didn't hold for my individual plant. It did start out as creamy white. It did form the cherry picotee, but as it opened out, became full-flushed with the cherry color. I'll reserve judgment for now, since it's only produced two flowers so far, with one new bud forming. It's been busy growing a full, bushy plant. Either way, it will blend well with the other nearby roses. Candy Oh ™ Vivid Red is a trial landscape rose, which arrived in-bud and has been blooming continuously every since – even though I still have it in a pot -- so it is a good choice for containers, as well. A polyantha hybrid, it is billed as needing no winter protection, disease-resistant, low maintenance, and hardy to -30ºF ...