39 Essential Resources for Growing Native Plants Sustainably

Looking for sustainable gardening information on native plants? Check out the Sustainable Gardening Library’s Topics app and learn from the experts at public gardens and arboreta, colleges and universities, and government agencies. They’re sharing their knowledge with you all in one place, so you don’t have to spend hours searching all over the web. Thirty-nine organizations from around the country, including Alaska and Hawaii, are sharing their photos, plant lists, and growing tips with us to help you identify and select plants that are best suited to the conditions in your geographic region or plant hardiness zone. Just go to the Library’s Topics Directory , and select the Native Plants icon to open up an interactive map that shows the locations of our content providers. Click on any map pin to open a popup that provides collaborator details and a link to the materials they’ve contributed to the Sustainable Gardening Library. You’ll find a wide variety of things to enjoy, including ...