Spring Bulb Spotlight

Fall is the time to plant the tulips, daffodils, grape hyacinths and other bulbs that bloom in the spring. The good news is that flower bulbs are among the easiest plants for any gardener to grow. They are perfect for beginners and prized by expert gardeners, lending themselves to a simple planting by a lamppost, or a massive naturalized planting on a hillside. Visit www.bulbvideo.com to view easy-to-follow how-to videos and have some fun learning about flower bulbs. The newest video is on naturalizing, the technique of planting flowers that will multiply and come back year after year. Other videos feature basic planting techniques, tools and tricks of the trade and more. Hosts are the director of the Netherlands Flower Bulb Information Center (NFBIC), master gardener Sally Ferguson and garden expert and Emmy-winning TV host Bob Yedowitz in a series called Gardening on the Go.